Mastercut dog clipper blades are made from high carbon steel which, makes them incredibly strong and hard wearing. They work with the most popular ‘detachable blade’ clippers, so you can buy with confidence whichever make and model you own. Being detachable, they are available in a range of sizes to suit different needs.
This #3F dog clipper blade is suitable for:
longer/clean body clipping
Puppy cuts on drop coated breeds
saving you scissoring time
Features & Benefits:
Our original ‘standard’ blades feature advanced tooth geometry, with 25% more cutting edges than other blades. This precision engineering allows the blade to cut faster and deliver cleaner, smoother hair texture for a superior plush finish.
Leaves hair 13mm (1/2″)
High carbon steel for maximum durability
Chrome plated to resist metal corrosion
25% more cutting edges for faster, smoother clipping
Oster/Andis compatible
Hints & Tips:
With the blade securely attached to your clipper, apply a few drops of oil to the moving blade. This will help reduce friction and prevent the blade from getting hot.
When clipping for long periods, reapply oil and if necessary use a coolant spray to reduce blade surface temperature. This will help prevent clipper rash and irritation to the skin.
If the blade starts to drag or refuses to cut, this is often a sign that it is choked with hair clippings. To remedy this, thoroughly clean the blade using a suitable washing solution.
Regularly ‘flushing’ your blades will help keep them running smooth and working more efficiently. For more information see ‘Blade Care’.
Oiling & Lubrication:
Essential to keep your clipper blades cutting smoothly and reduce demand for re-sharpening. Adopting our simple 3-2-1 approach, will keep your blades in excellent working order.
Oiling Points
Blade Care Oil Spot Position 3
Blade Care Oil Spot Position 2
Blade Care Oil Spot Position 1
If you’re clipping for prolonged periods, using the same blade, lubricate with more oil and, consider using a coolant spray if and when your blade feels hot to the touch. This will help prevent clipper rash and skin irritation. Applying oil little and often will prevent your blades from getting choked with hair clippings, grease and dander which, can hinder their cutting performance.
Cleaning & Flushing:
Equally important to prolonged the working life of your blades. Adopting a daily regime can help remove any build-up of contamination and keep your blades cutting like new.
If your blade starts to drag, leaving clipper lines, this often means the blade is choked with hair clippings, grease and dander. To quickly remedy this, submerge the blade in a shallow dish of cleaning solution, allowing the clipper (still running) to flush out any contamination trapped beneath the cutting blade.
Always keep the blade parallel with the surface of the solution and, never submerge the clipper itself. Allow the clipper to run for 30-60 seconds, then lift and tilt the blade, allowing any excess fluid to drain away. Wipe the outside surface of the blade with a clean dry cloth and, reapply blade oil before clipping again.
We’ve produced a handy blade guide chart to explain where and when to use specific blades. This can be downloaded but, is also available as a handy laminated poster that can act as a useful daily reminder or training aid.
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