Product Description
General Guide to Choosing a Muzzle
Use string or tape to measure around the dogs’ noseband 1-2″ forward from their eyes. Put your forefinger under the string to ensure dog comfort – don’t tighten the string, it should be free to move. Mark the string where it loops together, flatten it, and measure the length marked.
SIZE 0 / Small / 10cm/4”
Miniature Dachshund, Miniature Poodles, Cavalier Spaniels, Yorkies
SIZE 1 / Medium / 12cm/4¾”
West Highlands, Jack Russells, Standard Dachshunds, King Charles Spaniels
SIZE 2 / Large 14cm/5½”
Springer/Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, Border Collies, Standard Poodles
SIZE 4 / X Large 18½cm/7¼”
Labradors, Boxers, Setters, Bull Terriers, Alsatians, Retrievers, Dobermans
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